Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Integration of companies after merger, Restructuring, Increasing profitability
Operations: Production, Logistics, Production relocation, Process optimization and efficiency improvement, Quality management
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Integration of companies after merger, Restructuring, Succession
HR: Employer branding, Organizational structure, Communication/internal PR, Remuneration and motivation systems, Recruitment
Management: Project management, Change management
Finance: Controlling, Cost reduction
Strategy, Building and implementing strategies, Business development, Succession, Increasing profitability, Startup
Operations: Administration, Process mapping and measurement, Process optimization and efficiency improvement
HR: Leadership, Organizational structure, Remuneration and motivation systems, Coaching and mentoring, Job evaluation
Strategy: Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Integration of companies after merger, Transformations
Operations: Production, Supply chain, Production relocation, Process optimization and efficiency improvement
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Główne obszary specjalizacji:
Strategia: Budowanie i wdrażanie strategii, Rozwój biznesu, Restrukturyzacja, Zwiększenie zyskowności, Doradztwo biznesowe
Sprzedaż i marketing: Business Development, Sales Operations (S&OP), Marketing, Polityka cenowa
Zarządzanie: Zarządzanie firmą, Zarządzanie projektami, Zarządzanie zmianą
C-Level Manager, Advisor / Consultant / Shadow Manager
Finance: Controlling, Financial optimization, Cost reduction
Strategy: Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Integration of companies after merger, Transformations, Restructuring, Business consulting
Management: Company management, Risk management, Change management
HR: Leadership, Employment restructuring, Coaching and mentoring, Development programs, HR administration
IT: Implementation of ERP systems
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Integration of companies after merger, Restructuring, Succession
HR: Employer branding, Organizational structure, Communication/internal PR, Remuneration and motivation systems, Recruitment
Management: Project management, Change management
Główne obszary specjalizacji:
Sprzedaż i marketing: Business Development, Sales Operations (S&OP), Marketing, Branding, e-Commerce, Public relations, Polityka cenowa
HR: Przywództwo, Employer branding, Struktura organizacyjna, Coaching i mentoring, Rekrutacja, Programy rozwojowe
Zarządzanie: Zarządzanie projektami, Zarządzanie zmianą
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Transformations, Restructuring, Business consulting
HR: Leadership, Employer branding, Employment restructuring, Organizational structure, Communication/internal PR, Remuneration and motivation systems, Coaching and mentoring, Recruitment, Job evaluation, Development programs, HR administration
Management: Company management, Change management
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Business development, Business consulting
Sales and Marketing: Business Development, Marketing, Branding
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Business continuity, Restructuring, Business consulting, Startup
Operations: Supply chain, Process mapping and measurement, Purchasing, Process optimization and efficiency improvement, Customer service
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Sprzedaż i marketing: Business Development, Sales Operations (S&OP), Branding, Polityka cenowa
Strategia: Budowanie i wdrażanie strategii, Rozwój biznesu, Integracja firm po fuzji, Zwiększenie zyskowności
Operacje: Łańcuch dostaw, Zakupy, Magazyn, Optymalizacja procesów i poprawa efektywności, Obsługa Klienta
Zarządzanie: Zarządzanie firmą, Zarządzanie projektami, Zarządzanie zmianą
Sprzedaż i marketing: Business Development, Sales Operations (S&OP), Polityka cenowa
Strategia: Rozwój biznesu, Fuzje i przejęcia (M&A),Restrukturyzacja, Ekspansja zagraniczna, Startup
HR: Przywództwo, Restrukturyzacja zatrudnienia
Zarządzanie: Zarządzanie firmą
Strategia: Budowanie i wdrażanie strategii, Fuzje i przejęcia (M&A), Integracja firm po fuzji, Restrukturyzacja, Zwiększenie zyskowności
Sprzedaż i marketing: Business Development, Sales Operations (S&OP), e-Commerce, Polityka cenowa
Zarządzanie: Zarządzanie projektami
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Integration of companies after merger, Restructuring, Increasing profitability
Sales and marketing: Business Development, Sales Operations (S&OP), e-Commerce, Pricing policy
Management: Project management
Strategia: Ciągłość biznesu, Restrukturyzacja, Zwiększenie zyskowności, Doradztwo biznesowe
Operacje: Produkcja, Logistyka, Mapowanie i pomiary procesów, Relokacja produkcji, Optymalizacja procesów i poprawa efektywności
HR: Przywództwo, Restrukturyzacja zatrudnienia, Struktura organizacyjna, Coaching i mentoring
Zarządzanie: Zarządzanie firmą, Zarządzanie projektami, Zarządzanie zmianą
Strategia: Budowanie i wdrażanie strategii, Fuzje i przejęcia (M&A), Restrukturyzacja, Sukcesja, Zwiększenie zyskowności
Operacje: Logistyka, Łańcuch dostaw, Zakupy, Magazyn, Optymalizacja procesów i poprawa efektywności
Zarządzanie: Zarządzanie firmą, Zarządzanie projektami, Zarządzanie zmianą:
Sales and Marketing: Business Continuity, Business Development, Increasing Profitability, Business Consulting, Startup
Digital / IT transformation: Data security, Digitization, IT project management
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Strategy: Business continuity, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Integration of companies after merger, Restructuring, Succession
Operations: Production, Supply chain, Production relocation, Process optimization and efficiency improvement, Maintenance
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Strategy: Business development, Restructuring, Succession, Increasing profitability, Business consulting
Operations: Production, Logistics, Supply chain, Process mapping and measurement, Purchasing, Warehouse, Process optimization and efficiency improvement, Customer service, Maintenance, Quality management
HR: Employment restructuring, organizational structure, remuneration and motivation systems, job evaluation
Role: Dyrektor generalny (CEO), Dyrektor operacyjny (COO), członek zarządu i rad nadzorczych
Branże: Generalnie przemysł; Branża: drzewna, papiernicza, budownictwo, meblarska, stolarka otworowa, prefabrykacja, agro, leśnictwo
Kompetencje: Transformacja biznesu (Turnaround projects), Reorganizacja procesowa, optymalizacja kosztowa i procesowa, tworzenie strategii, szybkie zwiększenie wydajności/efektywności organizacji (scale-up)
Strategy: Building and implementing a strategy, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Restructuring, Foreign expansion, Startup
Sales and marketing: Business Development, Sales Operations (S&OP), Public relations
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Integration of companies after merger, Restructuring
HR: Leadership, Employment restructuring, Remuneration and motivation systems, Coaching and mentoring, Recruitment
Management: Project management, Change management
Operations: Process mapping and measurement, Shared Services Center, Process optimization and efficiency improvement, Customer service, Research and development work
Digital/IT transformation: Business Intelligence, Digitization, ERP system implementation, IT project management
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Strategy: Building and implementing a strategy, Business development, Restructuring, Foreign expansion, Startup
Operations: Administration, Process optimization and efficiency improvement, Customer service, Maintenance, Fraud prevention
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Business continuity, Business development, Integration of companies after merger, Restructuring, Succession, Foreign expansion, Increasing profitability, Business consulting, Startup
Sales and marketing: Business Development, Branding, e-Commerce, Pricing policy
Management: Company management, Project management, Risk management, Change management
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Business development, Increasing profitability, Business consulting
Sales and marketing: Business Development, Sales Operations (S&OP), Pricing policy
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Integration of companies after merger, Restructuring, Increasing profitability
Operations: Production, Logistics, Production relocation, Process optimization and efficiency improvement, Quality management
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Operations: Administration, Process mapping and measurement, Process optimization and efficiency improvement, Customer service, Quality management
Digital / IT transformation: Automation and robotization, Digitization, ERP system implementation, IT project management
Management: Project management, Change management
Operations: Supply chain, Process mapping and measurement, Purchasing, Process optimization and efficiency improvement
HR: Organizational structure, Remuneration and motivation systems, Coaching and mentoring, Development programs
Management: Project management, Risk management, Change management
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Business continuity, Integration of companies after merger, Business consulting, Startup
Digital transformation / IT: Automation and robotization, Data security, Business Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Digitization, Infrastructure, Artificial intelligence (AI), ERP system implementation, IT project management
Management: Company management, Project management, Risk management, Change management
Strategy: Business development, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Integration of companies after merger, Restructuring, Business consulting
Operations: Administration, Process mapping and measurement, Process optimization and efficiency improvement
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Główne obszary specjalizacji:
Strategia: Budowanie i wdrażanie strategii, Ciągłość biznesu, Fuzje i przejęcia (M&A), Integracja firm po fuzji, Restrukturyzacja
Operacje: Mapowanie i pomiary procesów, Centrum Usług Wspólnych, Optymalizacja procesów i poprawa efektywności, Obsługa Klienta, Zarzadzanie jakością
Transformacja cyfrowa / IT: Automatyzacja i robotyzacja, Digitalizacja, Sztuczna inteligencja (AI), Wdrożenie systemu ERP, Zarządzanie projektami IT
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Integration of companies after merger, Restructuring
HR: Leadership, Employment restructuring, Remuneration and motivation systems, Coaching and mentoring, Recruitment
Management: Project management, Change management
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Business development, Transformations, Increasing profitability, Business consulting
Sales and marketing: Business Development, Sales Operations (S&OP), Public relations, Pricing policy
HR: Leadership, Organizational structure, Coaching and mentoring, Recruitment, Development programs
Strategy: Building and implementing a strategy, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Restructuring, Foreign expansion, Startup
Sales and marketing: Business Development, Sales Operations (S&OP), Public relations
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Strategy: Business development, Transformations, Restructuring, Succession, Increasing profitability
Operations: Production, Supply chain, Process mapping and measurement, Engineering, Production relocation, Process optimization and efficiency improvement, Quality management
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Sales and Marketing: Business Development, Marketing, Pricing Policy
HR: Leadership, Employment restructuring, Organizational structure, Recruitment, Development programs
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Strategy: Business continuity, Restructuring, Business consulting
Operations: Production, Production relocation, Process optimization and efficiency improvement, Maintenance
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Strategy: Building and implementing strategies, Business development, Transformations, Increasing profitability, Business consulting
Sales and marketing: Business Development, Sales Operations (S&OP), Public relations, Pricing policy
HR: Leadership, Organizational structure, Coaching and mentoring, Recruitment, Development programs
Strategy: Building and implementing a strategy, Business development, Restructuring, Foreign expansion, Increasing profitability
Operations: Logistics, Supply chain, Process mapping and measurement, Production relocation, Process optimization and efficiency improvement
Management: Company management, Project management, Change management
Strategy: Strategy building and implementation, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Restructuring, Succession, Increasing profitability
Operations: Logistics, Supply Chain, Purchasing, Warehouse, Process Optimization and Efficiency Improvement
Management: Business Management, Project Management, Change Management