Meeting of the European interim management network INIMA

On February 23-24, the first live meeting of representatives of interim management associations from 10 countries, The International Network of Interim Manager Associations INIMA, took place (the representative of Liechtenstein/Rhine Valley did not arrive, blocked by snowdrifts on the Brenner Pass). So far, we have been meeting on Zoom for 4 years. We talked about various aspects of interim management in Europe: the relatively low share of women (Poland has the highest: 30%), the interim management market research that we have been conducting together for 4 years, the value of certification and the prospects of creating one standard for all (today only Poland and France, but several other associations are interested), the impact of the war on the economic situation and the work of IMs, as well as the prospects for cross-border work – which already exists on a large scale among German-speaking countries (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, but is also possible on a broader scale We also talked about the role of so-called providers, i.e. companies recruiting IMs – which is still at an early stage in Poland, but is developed on a large scale in Great Britain and Germany. Of course, we also talked about the upcoming 13th Conference of the Interim Managers SIM Association , where we expect numerous guests from several European countries. On Saturday, we met with Italian interim managers on the occasion of the general meeting of the Italian Leading Network association – Associazione Italiana Temporary Manager. Cooperation will continue.