
What is Interim Management

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Interim Management is a temporary activity, defined in terms of purpose and scope, within the organization, carried out by a natural person (Interim Manager), aimed at achieving specific, agreed business results and based on cooperation and participation in risk and profit – in relation to the intended effect. The most important aspect of the Interim Manager’s work is to increase the value of the organization in a given area and achieve a specific goal.

Who is an Interim Manager?

Interim Manager is a high-class specialist with documented successful experience at the highest levels of management, ready to conclude futures contracts for the duration of specific tasks. Based on his knowledge, he proposes directions for changes in the organization, prepares a detailed action plan and participates in its implementation. The Interim Manager, together with a group of other specialists, may also take over the management of the company for a period of time in order to implement the previously prepared plan. The aim of his work is always to increase the company’s value


Benefits for the company from cooperation with an Interim Manager

  • Strengthening or supplementing management in the entire company or in its individual departments;
  • Improving individual business processes;
  • An effective way to solve a specific problem in the company;
  • Possibility to cooperate with the best managers not only from Poland;
  • Drawing on the Interim Manager’s extensive knowledge and experience;
  • Saving time and money on hiring and training a new employee;
  • No fixed costs associated with employing a full-time employee;
  • Possibility to link remuneration with the effective implementation of the assigned project.

Most common applications

  • Enterprise restructuring;
  • Creating a new perspective for the company’s development by defining its current place and development paths and proposing specific tasks to be implemented;
  • Crisis situations;
  • Preparation for changing the company’s ownership structure;
  • Building and implementing new structures necessary to implement tasks not yet performed by the company, and integrating new structures with the rest of the company;
  • Supporting a specific manager with professional knowledge and experience
  • The need to build a professional team to work on the project;
  • Need to replace an absent manager;
  • Expansion into new markets.


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